Who are the Leaders for a Living Ocean?
Commercial sector
Updated 2019
AEON Co. Ltd. is committed to ensuring that by 2020, 20% of all seafood products sold at retailers within the AEON Group will be either MSC or ASC labelled. It now handles 24 MSC certified species and 10 ASC certified species, expanding its share of labelled product sales to 17%.
It is also introducing new products made with certified ingredients at a rate of 80 SKUs per year. In 2019 AEON switched six sushi ingredients to MSC or ASC certified seafood. 1,262 stores and 50 processing centres have succeeded in acquiring MSC Chain of Custody certification. As a result, in addition to deep-fried breaded products, tempura, simmered and grilled fish and sashimi, it is rapidly increasing its selection of sustainable washoku (Japanese cuisine).
Updated 2020
"Ahold Delhaize's seafood policy focuses on increasing the percentage of our own brand seafood products that are credibly certified - thereby contributing to MSC’s "20 by 2020" commitment.
In 2019, 31% of our total wild caught seafood sales from came from products certified to the MSC Standard.In 2019, 98% of own brand seafood product sales were certified against an acceptable standard from sustainable sources assessed by a credible third party, or from credible FIPs/AIPs and 100% of own brand seafood product sales have an identified farm/fishery of origin."
Updated 2020
"Albert Heijn wants all marine seafood products under its own brand to be caught responsibly. For this objective we aim to achieve MSC certification, but when such certified products are not available for a certain fish species, we also work with our suppliers to enter into an improvement process to reach MSC certification. For our private label/own brand fresh and frozen wild caught fish, over 95% of Albert Heijn’s wild-caught seafood is MSC certified. The remaining wild caught seafood are sourced via a credible FIP, or assessed as low risk by a credible third party, where MSC certification is not available. Today, Albert Heijn offers the widest range of MSC-certified products in the Netherlands, including meals and food-to-go."
Updated 2020
"ALDI Nord and ALDI SOUTH continue to make strong progress towards the 2020 MSC goal. More than 80 % of our fish and seafood products in Germany are either ASC, GLOBALG.A.P., EU organic or MSC certified.
In terms of global operations, 89% of ALDI SOUTH’s fish and seafood range has been sourced from responsibly managed fisheries and aquacultures in 2019. 56% of the wild caught fish and seafood products are MSC certified.
At ALDI Nord, roughly 57 % of the (globally) sourced fish and seafood products have been sustainably certified in 2019. The biggest proportion here was attributable to the MSC certification standard (around 66 %), followed by ASC certification (around 27 %), GLOBALG.A.P. certification (around 9 %) and products with the EU organic logo (around 1 %).
aldi-nord.de/"Bolton Alimentari’s goal is to source 20% of its tuna from MSC certified fisheries by 2020 and 100% of its tuna from MSC certified fisheries, or from robust Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs) aimed at becoming eligible for MSC certification, by 2024.
The company has made the same commitment for the other fish species it sources and sells, such as salmon, mackerel and sardines.
Bolton Alimentari will work with WWF and its strategic partner Tri Marine toward certification of fisheries to the MSC standards and establish robust and credible fishery improvement projects (FIPs) in all the areas it sources from."
Updated 2018
"Carrefour's aim is to become the world leader in the transition towards sustainable food for everyone, and to offer to our customers high quality, safe and accessible food everywhere, at a reasonable price. Carrefour wants to offer the largest range of sustainable seafood on the market by 2022 and has set a target for 50% of fish sold to come from sustainable sources by 2020.To fulfill this commitment, Carrefour is working with its suppliers to select fish from healthy stocks, promote more selective catching methods, develop sustainable aquaculture and fight illegal fishing. The MSC is one of the tools we use to achieve this target. Today already more than 75 Carrefour brand products are MSC certified. It is by working collectively with governments, fishermen, suppliers, retailers, consumers and NGOs, that we can achieve market transformation towards sustainability."
Updated 2018
Coles recognises that well-managed and responsible fishing is essential for the future sustainability of our marine ecosystems. Different programs and certifications ensure potential impacts on marine health and the environment are carefully monitored. All Coles Brand seafood products have MSC certification, ASC certification or meet Coles Responsibly Sourced Seafood criteria.
Coles has undertaken independent assessments of hundreds of wild and farmed seafood products to meet robust responsible sourcing requirements, and continues to review its program as fish stocks can fluctuate and the environment in which fisheries operate is complex and ever-changing. In September 2017, Coles was awarded Best Sustainable Seafood Supermarket in Australia by the MSC. Coles will continue to work with organisations like the MSC, to give its customers confidence to help make a better choice for our oceans.
Updated 2020
"We are committed to sourcing 100% of the 'wild fish’ used in our 144 own brand fish products (pure fish in fresh, frozen and canned) in accordance with the following sustainability criteria:
- Exclusion of IUU fisheries
- From healthy populations
- Using sustainable fishing methods (with minimal impact and bycatch)
- From fisheries with strong management
- Full product traceability
Our primary objective is to source from MSC-certified fisheries. If species cannot be MSC-certified, we use other assessments by the independant scientifical institute ILVO in Belgium.
Our frozen and fresh fish comply 100% with our sustainability criteria. At the end of the year 2020, 95,6% of our products were MSC-certified. Based on planned product introductions, next year this percentage will further increase to 98%. Our 33 canned tuna products will be 100% compliant with our sustainability criteria by the end of 2020 (MSC certified or TUPA* compliant). At the end of 2020 58% of our canned products were MSC-certified."
*Tuna Protection Alliance
Updated 2019
"El Corte Inglés adopted a Sustainable and Responsible Purchasing Policy for Seafood in 2011 which aims to contribute to sustainability and protection of marine species, at the same time as ensuring consumer demand can be met and support the continuity of all the fishing related industries. In the framework of this policy, El Corte Inglés' 2020 commitment is to increase gradually the volume and sales of MSC labeled products on offer in their stores by prioritizing MSC certified sustainable seafood in their fresh fish counters in Spain and Portugal (starting with 100% of cod) and by introducing as many as MSC certified labelled own brand products as possible.
Additionally, El Corte Inglés aims to promote and strongly communicate the added value of products from certified sustainable fisheries together with suppliers and also commits to develop a multi-stakeholder dialogue with consumers, industry, scientists and organizations to work towards reaching 100% sustainable fish sources. From April 18 to April 19 El Corte Inglés has increased the number of MSC labelled products under their private brand to 13, a 66% increase in volume from previous year."
Updated 2020
EROSKI is moving forward in their commitment to a more sustainable food model with an over 10% increase in their purchases certified sustainable fish sold under the MSC label including fresh, frozen and can categories. The cooperative has pioneered in Spain the MSC labelled for the sale of fresh fish, a commitment which is essential for the fishing sector which is going for sustainability. Since 2017 EROSKI is the first and only retail distribution chain in Spain to pass the audit of the international organization Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) for the certification of the chain of custody of fresh fish from sustainable fisheries. The certification of EROSKI’s fish counters has been gradual and at present includes 461 fresh fish counters as well as eight logistics platforms of the EROSKI group from which they deliver fresh fish to their entire store network. In 2020 the cooperative increased 12% the amount of certified sustainable fresh fish commercialized with over 3000 t sold. Of this, 1310 t had the blue MSC sustainable fishing label, including species such as Skrei codfish, anchovy, albacore, lobster, under “EROSKI Natur” brand, and desalted codfish and surimi, under “EROSKI” brand. For its part, the MSC labelled frozen bulk fish and seafood of EROSKI include mainly the species hake, codfish, surimi, and others like skipjack and albacore tuna. The volume of these products sold increased substantially last year up to 647 tonnes, which is more than double of the amount commercialized in 2019. Additionally, EROSKI sells also canned tuna with MSC label and has the commitment to purchase 50% of the tuna from sustainable sources in 2021, specifically tuna from MSC, FIP (Fishery Improvement Projects), APR (Responsible Fishing Tuna certified AENOR Standard UNE-195006), Pole and Line and FAD FREE Fishing.
Updated 2020
"Fish Tales connects consumers of fresh and canned fish with sustainable small-scale fisheries worldwide. As well as with the brave fishermen who go out to sea for the best catch. Fish Tales is proud to have achieved 2020 Sustainable Development Goal 14 by having 100% of its entire wild-caught assortment MSC certified. In addition, we are very pleased that our sustainable fish products are not only available in the Netherlands, Germany and the UK, but that Fish Tales' fresh and canned fish can also be found in grocery stores across the U.S. and Belgium since 2020. In 2021, Fish Tales goal will be to continue to anchor our mission to in the consumers mind worldwide."Updated 2020
"We are determined that the seafood we source does not contribute to the depletion of the targeted fish stocks. We are committed to only source seafood certified by the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) or Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), with full chain of custody verified to IKEA stores. 98.2% of our total seafood volume globally is ASC/MSC-certified. In FY19 this was 91.2%."
Updated 2020
"JCCU, Japanese Consumers’ Co-operative Union, is pursuing initiatives to expand sustainable seafood procurement. We aim to increase the share of environmentally-friendly products (including MSC and ASC certified products) sold under the COOP seafood brand to more than 20% by fiscal year 2025 and to more than 50% by fiscal year 2030. In 2018, JCCU launched the world's first MSC certified fish sausage. In addition, JCCU is currently supporting oyster fishers working towards MSC certification in Hiroshima Prefecture, the biggest producer of oysters in Japan, through the implementation of the Fishery Improvement Project (FIP). JCCU has stepped up efforts to improve communication with member consumers regarding the current status of marine resources, resulting in a growing recognition and use of MSC and ASC certified products."
Updated 2020
"As a family business, Jumbo believes it is important to consider the world around it. Our starting point is that products should be produced with attention to the wellbeing of humans, animals and the environment. Improvements should be feasible and affordable. Feasible for the producer and affordable for the customer. MSC and ASC certification can ensure this. We aim to only sell seafood - fresh and processed - from a 100% traceable chain. Importantly, this assurance is provided by independent parties. Ecolabels such as MSC and ASC provide this assurance.
96% of our own-brand seafood is now certified. In 2020 we were the first major retailer in The Netherlands to introduce a fully MSC-certified canned fish range. We also launched the first MSC-certified prawn crackers in the world, made from North Sea brown shrimp.
For seafood species for which MSC or ASC certification is not available, we will continue to participate in improvement programmes with the aim of achieving MSC or ASC certification within 5 years.
Issues such as a living wage and animal welfare will of course also be taken into account. In addition, we are further improving our product information system, tracing products back to ship or pond level."
Updated 2020
Offering sustainable wild-caught and farm-raised seafood is important to Kroger and our customers. By 2020, Kroger will source 100% of wild-caught seafood in its Seafood Department from fisheries that are Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)-certified, in MSC full assessment, in comprehensive Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs), or certified by other Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI)-recognized programs Kroger will preferentially source MSC-certified wild-caught seafood and, by 2020, Kroger will source at least 90% of its volume from fisheries that are MSC certified.
Kroger is also committed to continue sourcing 100% of Our Brands shelf-stable tuna from ISSF-participating companies. By 2020, 100% of farm-raised seafood in our Seafood Department will be certified to sustainable seafood certifications and programs benchmarked by the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI).
In 2019, Kroger supported 25 FIPs through sourcing and/or funding, which helps advance progress on our commitments. Between 2010 and 2019, Kroger’s partnership with World Wildlife Fund has greatly expanded the percentage and volume of sustainable seafood sold to customers: Our partnership story
Kroger shares progress on its sustainable seafood goals in its annual Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Report.
Updated 2020
"At Lidl the principles of responsible fish and seafood sourcing are led from ensuring that the fish sold within our own product ranges are sourced from the healthiest stocks possible using the least destructive fishing methods possible, with high regard for both environmental and social standards. We have been working with the MSC for over 10 years on the sustainability of our wild-caught fish and have set ourselves ambitious targets. For instance, in key European markets like Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Great Britain, Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, Denmark and Sweden we have achieved 100% MSC certification for all our own brand fresh and frozen fish products which are permanently listed. We will continue to increase the amount of MSC certified products in all our markets until 2020 and beyond."
Updated 2019
"With rising demand and a finite supply, it is key that we protect an economical and sustainable seafood supply chain. At Mars Petcare, we are committed to sourcing all of our fish products in a responsible and sustainable manner. This is being accomplished by reducing the total volume of fish used, replacing vulnerable fish species with more sustainable alternatives, maximizing the procurement of by-product, and purchasing third-party recommended or certified fish products to reassure stakeholders of the responsibility, sustainability and traceability of Mars' product ingredients. All of these efforts already resulted in 76% of our fish and marine ingredients' volumes being sustainably sourced for our MARS factories in Europe by mid of 2019 and pave the path to reach our target of 100% sustainably sourced fish and marine ingredients globally by 2020."
Updated 2019
"Filet-O-Fish is one of our best-loved menu items at McDonald’s, so it’s really important that we work with independent experts like the MSC and the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership to identify ways to protect long-term fish supplies and improve the health of marine ecosystems. Globally, 100% of the whitefish for our Filet-O-Fish is sourced from sustainably managed fisheries and we have achieved MSC certification in U.S., Canada, Europe and Brazil.
We agree with the MSC that healthy oceans are essential for thriving marine systems, livelihoods and economies. It's why we've made a commitment to source 100% of our wild-caught fish from verified sustainable sources by 2020.
We fully support global efforts to restore depleted fish stocks, improve fishery management and conserve marine environments."
Updated 2020
"Fisheries and aquaculture play a significant role in feeding our planet. Increasing demand for protein is putting pressure on fish stocks, while aquaculture, if poorly managed, can have a negative impact on the environment. Never before have responsible and sustainable fishing been so important for ensuring the well-being of people and the environment.
METRO aims to improve its sustainable fish and seafood assortment by continuously optimising the environmental and social aspects of fishing and aquaculture. METRO has in December 2020 renewed its Fish & Seafood Procurement Policy with a target to have 90% of the sales of its top 12 own brand fish and seafood species environmentally certified by 2025 according to MSC and ASC or any certification standard that has been recognised by the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI), 100% socially certified by 2025 and 100% digitally traceable by 2030.
The METRO Fish and Seafood Procurement Policy also provides a newly established METRO Fish and Seafood Action Plan for initiatives on sustainable fish and seafood. The Action Plan puts the policy into implementation with actions. The action plan consists of the three pillars certifications, partnerships and projects to ensure relevant actions with the right partners and to highlight the importance of collaboration within the whole supply chain.
At the end of the 2019/2020 fiscal year (as of Sept. 2020), the share of revenue from products that are certified according to our Fish & Seafood Procurement Policy accounted for over 87% in METRO Germany.
To raise awareness among its sourcing community, METRO has run workshops on sustainable procurement in several countries in which it is operating. To enhance transparency and avoid fish from illegal activities entering the supply chain, METRO has developed an innovative traceability solution, called PRO TRACE. In Germany, approximately 1550 fish products can already be traced back to their (certified) source using the PRO TRACE app.
METRO seeks to expand the sustainability of its assortment of wild caught and aquaculture fish and seafood by being actively involved in international initiatives dealing with the protection of oceans, sustainable sourcing and enhancing seafood traceability like the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST). The GDST was launched as a seafood industry forum in March 2020 dedicated to drafting the first global standard for seafood traceability. METRO is one of the initiators and supported the community approach for seafood traceability from the beginning on. The GDST includes the active participation of different seafood industry stakeholders along the entire supply chain.
METRO is also an active partner of the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) and is committed to the Global Benchmark Tool based on the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) as well as to the development of further initiatives, driving forward to more sustainable seafood. In June 2017, METRO entered into a voluntary commitment regarding tuna traceability by signing the Tuna 2020 Traceability Declaration, which was launched as part of the UN Ocean Conference in New York. This is a shared cross-sector commitment to ensure full traceability of tuna supply chains, from vessel to point of sale. To achieve this METRO was one of the founders of the Global Tuna Alliance (GTA) and active partner from the beginning. GTA is an independent group of retailers and supply-chain companies, working to ensure that tuna ultimately meets the highest standards of environmental performance and social responsibility. "
Updated 2020
"We are proud to be a co-founder of the MSC and have worked with its teams for more than 20 years to champion transformation in the fishing industry.
As the world’s largest buyer of certified wild caught white fish, we have a key role to play in encouraging fisheries to continuously improve their practices to ensure the health of fish stocks, vulnerable species and ocean habitats.
Today, more than 97% of the wild captured fish we source for iglo, Birds Eye, Findus and La Cocinera products is MSC certified and our number one priority is to always source MSC certified fish whenever possible. By the end of 2025, we aim to use 100% fish and seafood from sustainable fishing or responsible farming.
We are proud to support the principles of UN SDG 14 and to play a role in delivering the MSC vision of providing consumers with sustainably sourced fish.
Progress update
In 2020 the number of our products carrying the MSC or ASC Ecolabels was 834, an increase of 3% vs 2019. As a result, this means that we’ve doubled our ASC certified footprint for five consecutive years.
Following certification of Joint Demersal Fisheries in October 2019, we have been able to relaunch 4 MSC plaice products across our markets in Italy and Portugal. Since 2019, we’ve also been able to move 6 of our Findus Spain products from Non-MSC to MSC-certified.
With more than one third of the world’s fish stocks classified as overfished, we’re aware that transitioning more fisheries globally to certified sustainable practices is critical. To help, we’ve been accelerating our efforts in supporting fisheries on their journey to MSC assessment and certification.
In 2020 we were very pleased to confirm that the Namibia hake trawl and longline fishery had become the first fishery in Namibia to be MSC certified. This means we are one of the first companies to bring products made from MSC certified Namibian Hake to European consumers, having supported them on their journey to certification for many years.
We’re also excited to see more Alaska Pollock fisheries moving towards MSC certification and are in close contact with several fisheries to ensure they stay on track ahead of any future assessments.
Separately, we’ve also signed up to the Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI) to drive solutions and improvements in the health of marine ecosystems with regards to the problem of lost and abandoned fishing gear. As part of the commitment, teams of our employees voluntarily translated the GGGI Reporter app into 7 European languages so local communities can use it more effectively and are currently working on plans to involve more of our employees in activities to support the GGGI."
“Since we co-founded the MSC over 20 years ago, we have led the way in protecting fish stocks for future generations by championing responsible and sustainable fish and seafood sourcing – and empowering consumers across Europe to do the same.
While our number one priority is to always source MSC certified fish whenever possible, we are also proud of our work with non-certified fisheries, supporting them on their certification journey. This is essential to increase the future availability of certified fish throughout our industry and ultimately, protect our oceans and fish stocks.” - Stefan Descheemaeker, CEO Nomad Foods
Updated 2020
"Orkla Foods Sverige has not yet reached the goal of 100% MSC certified portfolio but is still aiming for it. Today 106 out of 121 (88%) products under our eight marine brands; Abba, Kalles, Limfjord among other, are MSC certified. The biggest reason is that we still can’t get any MSC-certified sprats or maceral (since the suspension) and have a hard time getting ASC-certified salmon to some of our products. We will as far as possible use MSC to secure the whole value chain and help consumers make sustainable choices. If species cannot be MSC certified, we will use other independent assessments, supervised by our Orkla Marine Expert."
Updated 2020
"Responsible sourcing is important to our customers and to us. We are longstanding supporters of the MSC and proud to be the UK retailer with the largest number of MSC certified products, as we continue our commitment to supporting the sustainable management of our oceans.
Over the last 3 years we have worked to maintain our certified seafood range in the face of certification challenges in some fisheries which reflect the strict requirements of the MSC standard. We continue to work towards 100% certification for our wild caught fish through active engagement in Fisheries Improvement Projects and dialogue with our supply base."
Updated 2019
"A part of our commitment to source 100% of our branded tuna from fisheries that are either MSC certified or engaged in Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs) to move them toward MSC certification, we committed to initiate 11 tuna FIPs across a wide range of geographies.
To date, in conjunction with other major regional actors, such as fleets, processors, governments and non-governmental organizations, we have successfully launched six large-scale tuna FIPs worldwide.
Since the beginning of 2018, more than 90% of branded tuna sold by Thai Union Europe has been sourced from a FIP or an MSC certified fishery. Another two FIPs planned for launch in 2019, will cover approximately another 8% of the tuna volume, meaning about 98% of the Thai Union supplied tuna to European markets will be covered by recognised, comprehensive FIPs. Furthermore, 21% of Thai Union’s branded tuna worldwide is currently sourced from MSC certified fisheries, while two of Thai Union’s international brands (Hawesta in Germany and Genova in North America) have been launched with a fully MSC certified supply.
Thai Union will keep engaging with conservation groups and governments, as doing so has proven a powerful tool to help improve seafood sustainability and the overall health of our oceans.
In addition to Thai Union’s tuna FIPs, we have also engaged in FIPs targeting species such as mackerel and sardine. Presently, Thai Union is an active partner in a sardine FIP in Morocco."
Updated 2020
"There are about 300 SKUs with MSC ecolabel sold on Tmall.com, and the total sales have increased 13.4 % between financial year 2019 and 2020."
Updated 2020
"As part of our new 'Sustainability Plan 2025', we have broadened the scope our our commitment so that all Woolworths seafood sold in the Fresh Seafood Case and packaged Woolworths Own Brand products containing seafood as a visible ingredient must be from sources that are third-party certified or independently verified as ecologically responsible. Our long term ambition is to have all of our wild-caught seafood certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) or equally credible certification schemes. Today, we offer close to 50 MSC certified products across our entire range with our MSC certified own-brand range accounting for over 1 million kilograms of MSC certified raw material."
Fishing sector
Updated 2020
"The Danish Fishery Producer Organisations (Danish Fishermen Producer Organisation and Danish Pelagic Producer Organisation) represent Danish commercial fishermen and virtually all Danish catches. All in all our approx. 700 vessels catch around 1 million MT per annum. This makes Denmark one of the larger seafood production nations in Europe, and a top 10 exporter of seafood globally. We believe that we have some of the most sustainable well-managed fisheries globally, and ecolabelling is a way to display this to the consumer and general public. It is an important objective for The Danish Fisheries sector’s to obtain MSC certification for all its fisheries, where possible, as one, but not the only way to show the sector’s dedication to a sustainable future for the seas around us. Since 2010 the Danish ambition for sustainable fisheries and MSC certification has been instrumental in leading the European and the global seafood industry onto a more sustainable footing. In the last few years, we have managed to certify the main part of all Danish fisheries, and through cooperation with other fishery clients in the EU, we have ensured that MSC certifications have been maintained and achieved where possible to continue to support our sustainability claims and market access for our fishers."
fiskeriforening.dk/english/Updated 2020
"As a member of the fishermen's association the Pelagic-Freezer trawler Association, the P & P Group has taken the lead to certify the fisheries in which it is involved against the MSC criteria. The first fishery to be awarded with the MSC label was the herring fishery in the North Sea, in 2006. Then followed other pelagic and demersal fisheries in the Northeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean. For the 2017 EU Our Ocean conference in Malta P & P Group voiced the aim to move the following fisheries in which vessels of the P & P Group operate to MSC certification:
(1) Fisheries for Greenland halibut east of Greenland
(2) Fisheries for Greenland halibut west of Greenland
(3) Tuna fisheries in the Indian and Atlantic Ocean
(4) Guyana seabob shrimp fishery.
We are pleased to report that our fisheries on shrimp in Guyana, Greenland halibut west of Greenland and jack mackerel fishery in the convention area of the SPRFMO in the South Pacific have been certified since the last update.
The fishery on skipjack tuna in the Indian Ocean entered into Full Assessment and the fishery on skipjack tuna in the Atlantic Ocean and yellowfin tuna in the Indian Ocean is part of a Fishery Improvement Project."
Updated 2020
The PNA are eight small island nations whose waters produce close to 50% of all skipjack tuna catches in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) and approximately 30% of the world's tuna supply. The PNA are global leaders in tuna conservation and management and the PNA fishery is the largest sustainable fishery in the world with no tuna stocks overfished. Many PNA conservation measures in the purse seine fishery are world firsts – such as high seas closures to fishing, controls on Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs), protection of whale sharks and substantial coverage of purse seine fishing vessels with observers.
The PNA fishery commits to the following:
- MSC certification of the entire PNA fishery for skipjack, yellowfin and bigeye tuna.
- Continue to increase the catch in PNA waters that is sold as MSC certified with Pacifical Geographical Indication.
- Strengthen national laws to ensure 100% of drifting FADs within PNA waters are registered and tracked.
- Maintain healthy biomass for all four species of tuna and limit bycatch of non-target species.
- Take steps to resume to 100% observer coverage on purse seine fishing vessels as the global pandemic unfolds.
- Increase electronic reporting by vessels and observers.
Updated 2020
The Western Australia Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, in partnership with the Western Australian Fishing Industry Council (WAFIC) and with support from the State Government, has embarked on a program which will provide the opportunity for all the State’s commercial fisheries to achieve MSC certification. The program is now in its tenth year of operation. All (47) of WA's commercial fisheries have been pre-assessed to the MSC standard. The program provides the opportunity for fisheries to voluntarily undertake full assessment. So far ten fisheries have been certified (in addition to the Western Rock lobster fishery - the first MSC certified fishery).
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Our collective impact
For over 20 years fisheries, scientists, consumers and industry have been part of a collective effort to make sure our oceans are fished sustainably.

Real life stories
The best way to understand the impact of the MSC program is through those involved. Read about the passionate people taking care of our oceans.

The MSC and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Data from the MSC is used by organisations committed to the UN's SDG's, to track progress towards international goals to end overfishing and protect biodiversity.